50 Websites Every SEO Should Know ~ Search Marketing and Internet Marketing Blog Online

50 Websites Every SEO Should Know

My freelance website, PPC For Hire, recently received some love on Search Engine Journal for the Free SEO tools available on the site (you can read the full article here: 5 Free Search Engine Optimization Tools).

In honor of that mention, I have not only decided to blog about it, but pass along an even more comprehensive list that should be well known to anyone working in seo / web design for 2008.

I certainly hope you find them as useful as I do!

1. www.seomoz.org/blog - Great blog, great seo tools
2. www.searchengineland.com – Up-to-date search news
3. www.sphinn.com – social bookmarking for internet marketing
4. www.mixx.com – a friendly alternative to Digg
5. www.stumbleupon.com – One of the best social bookmarking sites
6. http://forums.digitalpoint.com - Webmasters forum
7. www.sitepoint.com – Another great webmasters forum
8. www.technorati.com - Promote your blog
9. www.mybloglog.com – A must have for blog communities
10. www.twitter.com – A great way to communicate with your audience
11. www.linkdiagnosis.com - A great link analysis tool
12. www.google.com/trends - See how trends in Google look
13. http://answers.yahoo.com - Great for providing traffic
14. www.sitemaps.org/protocol.php - Learn about sitemaps
15. www.ventio.se/seo-tools/google-position - Still in beta but good SE tool
16. www.wordtracker.com - Great keyword performance tool
17. www.seologic.com/webmaster-tools - Another source of good seo tools
18. www.backlinkwatch.com – Backlink analysis breakdown
19. www.avivadirectory.com/strongest-directories - Quality directories
20. www.internetmarketingninjas.com – Expert seo advise
21. www.wikia.com/wiki/Wikia - A wiki alternative
22. www.miniajax.com – Some great free Ajax scripts
23. www.sxc.hu/index.phtml - Free royalty free images
24. www.cssbeauty.com – CSS community
25. www.seounique.com/blog - Gotta give credit to the idea for the blog post!
26. www.siteyogi.com - Pulls data for both social media data and SEO.
27. www.webanalyticsdemystified.com - Simple analytics vendor discovery tool.
28. www.seoconsultants.com/tools/headers.asp - Checks server headers
29. www.soloseo.com - Need links? Try this link search tool
30. www.seodigger.com - Keyword research tool
31. www.bad-neighborhood.com - Bad neighborhood link checker
32. home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html - Check broken links
33. www.mapelli.info/tools/supplemental-index-ratio-calculator - Check your supplemental pages
34. www.touchgraph.com - Explore the connections between related websites
35. www.se-tools.com - Nice collection of tools
36. www.toolurl.com - Domain name search tool
37. www.google.com/analytics - Free analytics tool
38. siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com - Yahoo Site Explorer
39. www.keyworddiscovery.com - Keyword research tool
40. www.posttoaster.com - Social bookmarking service
41. www.socialposter.com - Social community bookmarking submitter (currently 71 social networks)
42. www.xml-sitemaps.com - XML sitemap generator
43. www.google.com/webmaster/tools - Google webmaster tools
44. adwords.google.com/select/TrafficEstimatorSandbox - Estimate traffic during keyword research
45. www.ready.mobi - Verify your site is mobile compatible
46. www.seobench.com - Analyze keyword density
47. www.wordtracker.com - Keyword research tool
48. www.seomoz.org/page-strength - Determine strength of your webpage
49. www.ppcforhire.com/semtools.html - Collection of free internet marketing tools
50. searchmarketingblogonline.blogspot.com - Had to put my own site, right?


Pakistan Housing dot pk said...

Very Nice Article...

Anonymous said...

Hi. If you have problems with XML sitemap use Sitemap Writer Pro.This powerful webtool generated the sitemap for your website in just seconds. Mayor search engines (Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN, Moreover) were able to index and read your sitemaps without any problems. Not expensive and easy to use!